Aromatherapy Foot Massage

"Infuse your body with essential oils – they are truly a powerful gifts from nature"

Aromatherapy foot massage can offer your body many health benefits from stress relief, boosting energy, and activating your nervous system. No matter what stage you are in life it is important to love and honour your body by devoting special time to self care and essential oils can provide amazing additional support to help us feel more balanced, recharged and most importantly revitalise our lives.

solas health aromatheraphy foot massage

How does it work

With aromatherapy foot massage the magic starts from the bottom and spreads gently throughout the body. It is often referred to as the pipeline to the body as you absorb specially blended oils to the feet.

The massage can target many meridians linked to key organs in the whole body and by massaging the feet it activates all the nerve endings and helps to stimulate the release of endorphins, dopamine, serotonin which can all help to boost overall health and mood.

Essential oils are wonderful natural compounds from nature derived with only minimal human intervention which can work in harmony with the body. The oils can help to ground, reduce stress and calm a busy mind.

applying solas health aromatherapy foot massage oil

When massaged into the feet, the oils are first diluted with a carrier oil and can provide a powerful response as they penetrate deeper into the skin allowing them to perform their function more effectively.

Foot massage technique focus on relaxing muscles and joints to create energy flow by massaging specific reflexology meridian points.

Aromatherapy massage triggers multiple senses by activating the limbic brain to relax through scented oils, calming the mind through relaxing music, and encouraging the body to respond to a greater ability to heal by the power of touch.

At a bonfire on the beach in Hawkes bay someone who knows I love a good foot rub told me about Linda who does aromatherapy foot massage using reflexology points and oils. The next day I was booked in- couldn’t wait. And I was not disappointed. Linda exceeded expectations. It wasn’t a foot rub I got – it was a gentle, well considered healing of the whole body via the sole of my foot. And I was left with the handiest little roller bottle of oil to use at night on my skin to help with sleep. This little bottle is so effective it has become family property. I come away from my sessions with Linda feeling a little bit taller and calmer with that post yoga feeling. Highly recommended.
Rhonda, Hastings

Benefits of Aromatherapy Foot Massage

  • Activates nervous system
  • Releases feel good brain chemicals like endorphins
  • Boost circulation
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Reduce blood pressure, headaches
  • Help alleviate symptoms of PMS and Menopause


$70 per hour (includes a 10ml roller blend to continue relaxing at home).