Benefits of Essential Oils

There is one thing that life guarantee's, life can be a roller coaster of emotions where we have good days, and some challenging days. To help us navigate our way through whatever life throws at us we call on our one body to help and support us.

It is this wonderful, faithful, loyal body that continues to hold us up every day. It meets each daily challenge we throw at it, no questions asked and even though it does its best we can be hard masters to this faithful soul. We can run it so hard, without a break and then when it struggles to get us across the line we can call it weak.

Maybe its time to think differently about how we treat our best friend, time to be kinder to it, nourish it, say thank you. Solas would like to support you and your best friend on this journey. It doesn’t need to be complicated or hard. It can simply start with stopping, taking a breath and inhaling some of natures wonderful gift of essential oils.

How Essential Oils can help

Essential oils can work on many levels, and the aroma’s can play an important role to help connect the mind and the body.

We tend to think of the mind and body as separate entities but they are intrinsically linked, call it psychosomatic, where our mental state affects our physical state. Each essence has an affinity with certain parts of the body, certain areas of the mind, and certain types of emotions. They can help us to feel better, and feeling better can have a tremendous therapeutic influence on physical symptoms.

 how the body responds to essential-oils through topical application

Essential oils have been around for thousands of years, when you inhale the essence of a plant or flower it triggers a response, it affects you... immediately and can affect you in a very deep and profound way. In simple terms, essential oils can make you feel good, and feel better within

 how essential oils communicate with the limbic brain

When we feel good inside we can treat others with more love and compassion. My belief in aromatherapy and my passion for these healing oils, circles back to where we are as a society right now. Life can be so challenging, we all need to love a little more, feel a little more, empathize a little more.

I have been using the Bliss shower spray for a few months and absolutely love it. A couple of sprays in the shower gives a mini break from life where you are totally in the moment with nothing but this amazing natural smell. I look forward to trying more products. Many thanks.
Paula, Napier

You will find that essential oils, plants and flowers generously give us their life essence so that we can restore each other and ourselves. So why wouldn’t you try them... they have only good feelings to share with you.